Prenatal OB Care


Prenatal care means taking care of yourself and your baby during your pregnancy. The best thing you can do for your baby and yourself is to seek prenatal care early and get regular care throughout your pregnancy. Your physician can detect health problems more easily when he sees expectant mothers regularly. This allows for early treatment, which can cure or prevent many problems. Our office will ask you to schedule many visits during your pregnancy and each one is important. We want to give you and your baby the best start possible.

Estimated Schedule of Visits

Dating Ultrasound (less that 14 weeks)

A dating ultrasound will be performed assuming you are less than 14 weeks pregnant at the time you begin prenatal care with Siloam Springs Women’s Center. You will need to have a full bladder for this appointment. You will be required to partially undress. Please only invite friends and family you feel comfortable undressing in front of, as the exam must be performed on bare skin. Ultrasound results will be discussed with you by your physician.

Pre-OB appointment (7-8 weeks)

This appointment will be scheduled with the nurse. At this appointment we will collect your background information as well as family and genetic history. Your prenatal labs will be drawn. You will be given information and explanations on our office care and an opportunity to ask any questions you have about pregnancy.

First OB appointment (9-12 weeks)

This visit will be scheduled with the physician you intend to see throughout your pregnancy. Your physician will discuss lab results from your previous visit and the plan of care for your pregnancy.  This visit will allow you an opportunity to get your pregnancy related questions answered.  It's a good idea to write down any questions that you want to discuss with your physician in preparation for each of your appointments.

OB checks

Following your first OB appointment, your prenatal "OB check-up" visits will occur every 4 weeks until you reach 28 weeks. From 28 to 36 weeks you will be seen every 3 weeks. After 36 weeks you will be seen weekly until your delivery. This is just a general schedule, please keep in mind all pregnancies are different and adjustments to the schedule will be made as needed. These visits may include any or all of the following: weight and blood pressure monitoring, additional lab work, fetal heart tones & glucose screening. We will also be working with you through your pregnancy to determine what specific instruction and support you may need.

20 Week Ultrasound (approximately 20 weeks)

At this ultrasound the technologist will measure your baby's head, abdomen and legs. Amniotic fluid will be measured and the placenta assessed. Your baby's umbilical cord, kidneys, bladder, hands and feet will all be checked. You will need to have a full bladder for this appointment. You will be required to partially undress. Please only invite friends and family you feel comfortable undressing in front of, as the exam must be performed on bare skin. Depending on fetal position it may be possible to find out your baby's sex at this appointment. Please keep in mind that sex determination is, at best, an educated guess. Ultrasound results will be discussed with your physician.